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Specs via JS API

The CMV specification defines how different views are coordinated. Ultimately, this specification must be a JSON object when it is passed to the Provider component spec prop.

Writing large JSON objects by hand can be difficult and prevents from using variables for more easily maintainable string constants, so we have developed object-oriented APIs to simplify this process.


CmvConfig is a class representing a CMV specification. To begin creating a specification with the API, you will need to instantiate a CmvConfig object. The methods of this object (and the objects its methods return) allow you to manipulate the underlying specification. When you are ready to render the CMV provider, you can use the .toJSON() method to translate the CmvConfig object to a plain JSON object.


Construct a CMV spec object.


  • key (string) - A unique key for the config. Required.
import { CmvConfig } from '@use-coordination/config';

const config = new CmvConfig("my-config");


Add a view to the config.


  • viewUid (string) - A unique identifier for the view.


  • Type: CmvConfigView

Returns the instance for the new view.

import { CmvConfig } from '@use-coordination/config';

const config = new CmvConfig("my-config");
const v1 = config.addView('v1');
const v2 = config.addView('v2');

linkViews(views, cTypes, cValues)

A convenience function for setting up new coordination scopes across a set of views.


  • views (CmvConfigView[]) - An array of view objects to coordinate together.
  • cTypes (string[]) - The coordination types on which to coordinate the views.
  • cValues (array) - Initial values for each coordination type. Should have the same length as the cTypes array. Optional.


  • Type: CmvConfig

Returns this to allow chaining.

import { CmvConfig } from '@use-coordination/config';;

const config = new CmvConfig("my-config");
const v1 = config.addView('v1');
const v2 = config.addView('v2');
[v1, v2],
["spatialZoom", "spatialTargetX", "spatialTargetY"],
[2, 0, 0]


Add scope(s) for new coordination type(s) to the config. See also CmvConfig.linkViews().


  • cTypes (string[]) - A variable number of coordination types.


  • Type: CmvConfigCoordinationScope[]

Returns the instances for the new scope objects corresponding to each coordination type. These can be linked to views via the CmvConfigView.useCoordination() method.

import { CmvConfig } from '@use-coordination/config';;

const config = new CmvConfig("my-config");
const v1 = config.addView("v1");
const v2 = config.addView("v2");
const [zoomScope, xScope, yScope] = config.addCoordination([
config.useCoordination([zoomScope, xScope, yScope]);
config.useCoordination([zoomScope, xScope, yScope]);


Set up the initial values for multi-level coordination in the coordination space. Get a reference to these values to pass to the useCoordinationByObject method of either view or meta coordination scope instances.


  • obj (object) - A (potentially nested) object with coordination types as keys and values being either the initial coordination value, a CmvConfigCoordinationScope instance, or a CoordinationLevel instance. The CL function takes an array of objects as its argument, and returns a CoordinationLevel instance, to support nesting.


  • Type: object

A (potentially nested) object with coordination types as keys and values being either { scope }, { scope, children }, or an array of these. Not intended to be manipulated before being passed to a useCoordinationByObject function.

import { CmvConfig, CoordinationLevel as CL } from '@use-coordination/config';;

const config = new CmvConfig("my-config");
const imageScopes = config.addCoordinationByObject({
imageLayer: CL([
spatialLayerOpacity: 1,
spatialLayerVisible: true,
photometricInterpretation: 'BlackIsZero',
imageChannel: CL([
spatialTargetC: 0,
spatialChannelColor: [255, 0, 0],
spatialChannelVisible: true,
spatialChannelOpacity: 1.0,
spatialChannelWindow: null,

const metaCoordinationScope = config.addMetaCoordination();

const v1 = config.addView("v1");
const v2 = config.addView("v2");

linkViewsByObject(views, obj, meta=true)

Convenience function to simultaneously set up the initial values for multi-level coordination in the coordination space and link an array of views on the resulting coordination scopes.


  • views (CmvConfigView[]) - Array of one or more view instances.
  • obj (object) - A (potentially nested) object with coordination types as keys and values being either the initial coordination value, a CmvConfigCoordinationScope instance, or a CoordinationLevel instance. The CL function takes an array of objects as its argument, and returns a CoordinationLevel instance, to support nesting. Internally, this will be passed to CmvConfig.addCoordinationByObject.
  • meta (boolean) - Whether or not to use meta-coordination. Optional. By default, true.


  • Type: CmvConfig

Returns this to allow chaining.

import { CmvConfig, CoordinationLevel as CL } from '@use-coordination/config';;

const config = new CmvConfig("my-config");
const v1 = config.addView("v1");
const v2 = config.addView("v2");

config.linkViewsByObject([v1, v2], {
imageLayer: CL([
spatialLayerOpacity: 1,
spatialLayerVisible: true,
photometricInterpretation: 'RGB',


Add a meta-coordination scope to the config.


  • Type: CmvConfigMetaCoordinationScope

Returns an instance for the new meta-scope object. This can be linked to views via the CmvConfigView.useMetaCoordination() method. See above code snippet for addCoordinationByObject method for an example.


Convert the view config instance to a JSON object.


  • Type: object

Returns the config instance as a JSON object.

import { CmvConfig } from '@use-coordination/config';;

const config = new CmvConfig("my-config");
const v1 = config.addView("v1");
const configJson = config.toJSON();

static fromJSON(spec)

Static method to construct a config instance from an existing JSON spec.


  • spec (object) - A specification as a JSON object.


  • Type: CmvConfig

Returns the config instance.

import { CmvConfig } from '@use-coordination/config';;
import mySpec from './my-config.json';

const config = CmvConfig.fromJSON(mySpec);


CmvConfigView is a class used to represent a view in the spec.

This class is not meant to be instantiated directly, but instances will be created and returned by the CmvConfig.addView() method.


Attach coordination scopes to this view instance. All views using the same coordination scope for a particular coordination type will effectively be linked together.


  • cScopes (CmvConfigCoordinationScope[]) - A variable number of coordination scope instances.


  • Type: CmvConfigView

Returns this to allow chaining.


Attach potentially multi-level coordination scopes to this view.


  • obj (object) - A value returned by CmvConfig.addCoordinationByObject. Not intended to be a manually-constructed object.


  • Type: CmvConfigView

Returns this to allow chaining.


Attach coordination scopes to this view instance. All views using the same coordination scope for a particular coordination type will effectively be linked together.


  • metaScope (CmvConfigMetaCoordinationScope) - A meta coordination scope instance, such as the return value of CmvConfig.addMetaCoordination.


  • Type: CmvConfigView

Returns this to allow chaining.


Class representing a coordination scope in the coordination space.


Set the coordination value of the coordination scope.


  • cValue (any) - The value to set.


  • Type: CmvConfigCoordinationScope

Returns this to allow chaining.


Class to represent a pair of metaCoordinationScopes and metaCoordinationScopesBy coordination scopes in the coordination space.

This class is not meant to be instantiated directly, but instances will be created and returned by the CmvConfig.addMetaCoordination() method.


Attach coordination scopes to this meta-scopes instance.


  • cScopes (CmvConfigCoordinationScope[]) - A variable number of coordination scope instances.


  • Type: CmvConfigMetaCoordinationScope

Returns this to allow chaining.


Attach potentially multi-level coordination scopes to this meta-scopes instance.


  • obj (object) - A value returned by CmvConfig.addCoordinationByObject. Not intended to be a manually-constructed object.


  • Type: CmvConfigMetaCoordinationScope

Returns this to allow chaining.


Function to enable specification of multi-level coordination. Acts as a flag to indicate that values in the object passed to CmvConfig.addCoordinationByObject() are a new level of coordination objects (as opposed to a coordination value for the coordination type key). Alias the import as CL for brevity.

import { CoordinationLevel as CL } from '@use-coordination/config';;