: The data set key.
: The plot width.
: The plot height.
: The plot top margin.
: The plot left margin.
: The plot right margin.
: The plot bottom margin.
: Function that takes a data key string and returns a DataContainer.
: Function that takes a scale key string and returns a scale instance.
: Function that will be called upon click of plot.
Extends mixin
: The x-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The value for the horizontal margin between bars. Default: 2
: A color for all bars. Optional. If provided, overrides using the x scale for colors.
: Whether or not to log-scale the y axis. Default: false
Extends mixin
: The key to access the values in the data array objects.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The observation-scale variable key. Optional.
: The diameter of outlier (and mean) points. Default: 6
: Whether or not to draw outlier points on the plot. Default: true
Extends mixin
: The x-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The observation-scale variable key. Used to filter observations.
: A function used to filter values to determine whether to count them.
: The value for the horizontal margin between bars. Default: 2
: A color for all bars. Optional. If provided, overrides using the x scale for colors.
: Whether or not to log-scale the y axis. Default: false
:filterFunction="((val) => (val > 1))"
Extends mixin
: The key to access the values in the data array objects.
: The key for the data containing the variable to stratify by.
: The key for the scale to stratify by. Must be categorical.
: The key for the data containing the secondary variable to stratify by.
: The key for the secondary scale to stratify by. Must be categorical.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The observation-scale variable key. Required in order to match with the stratification data.
: The diameter of outlier (and mean) points. Default: 6
: Whether or not to draw outlier points on the plot. Default: true
variable="COSMIC 1"
Extends mixin
: The key to access the values in the data array objects.
: The key for the data containing the variable to stratify by.
: The x-scale variable key. Must be continuous.
: The key for the data containing the secondary variable to stratify by.
: The secondary x-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key. Must be continuous.
: The observation-scale variable key. Required in order to match with the stratification data.
: Whether or not to fill points. Default: false
: Default size for points. Default: 3
: Color for point outlines. Optional. Will override the x color scale if provided.
variable="COSMIC 1"
Extends mixin
: The key to access the values in the data array objects.
: The key for the data containing the variable to stratify by.
: The key for the scale to stratify by. Must be categorical.
: The key for the data containing the secondary variable to stratify by.
: The key for the secondary scale to stratify by. Must be categorical.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The observation-scale variable key. Required in order to match with the stratification data.
: The diameter of points. Default: 3
: A random seed. Optional.
: Whether to fill points. Default: true
: Color for point outlines. Optional. Will override the x color scale if provided.
variable="COSMIC 1"
Extends mixin
: The genome-scale variable key.
: The event color-scale variable key. Takes precedence over eventColor prop.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The axis chromosome variable key. Default: "chromosome"
: The axis position variable key. Default: "position"
: The width of each observation rectangle. Default: 4
: The color of each observation. Default: "#000000".
: The background color of the track. Optional.
: The background color of the track. Optional.
: The value for the vertical margin between bars. Default: 2
// TODO: bar padding
Extends mixin
: The genome-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The color-scale variable key.
: The axis chromosome variable key. Default: "chromosome"
: The axis position variable key. Default: "position"
: Whether to have log scaled y. Default: false
Extends mixin
: The genome-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The color-scale variable key.
: The axis chromosome variable key. Default: "chromosome"
: The axis position variable key. Default: "position"
Extends mixin
: The genome-scale variable key.
: The event color-scale variable key. Takes precedence over eventColor prop.
: The axis chromosome variable key. Default: "chromosome"
: The axis position variable key. Default: "position"
: The width of each observation rectangle. Default: 4
: The color of each observation. Default: "#000000".
: The background color of the track. Optional.
: The background color of the track. Optional.
Extends mixin
: The hierarchy data container key (passed to getData).
: The x-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The color-scale variable key.
: The value for the horizontal margin between bars. Default: 2
: The value for the vertical margin between bars. Default: 2
Extends mixin
: The x-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The observation-scale variable key. Optional.
: The diameter of outlier (and mean) points. Default: 6
: Whether or not to draw outlier points on the plot.
Extends mixin
: An array of data keys.
: An array of color-scale variable keys.
: The observation-scale variable key.
: The observation (observation-scale domain element of interest).
: The margin between each rect.
: The size of rects (only used if text values are enabled).
: Whether to disable the rendering of text for each value.
: Whether to disable tooltips. Default: false
:dataArray="['BRCA1', 'BRCA2', 'NTHL1']"
:cArray="['mut_class', 'mut_class', 'mut_class']"
Extends mixin
: The x-scale variable key.
: An array of data keys.
: An array of color-scale keys.
: The value for the horizontal margin between bars. Default: 2
: The value for the vertical margin between bars. Default: 2
:dataArray="['gene_A', 'gene_B', 'gene_C']"
:cArray="['mut_class', 'mut_class', 'mut_class']"
Extends mixin
: The x-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The color-scale variable key.
: The value for the horizontal margin between bars. Default: 2
: The value for the vertical margin between bars. Default: 2
Extends mixin
: The color-scale variable key.
: The observation-scale variable key.
: The observation (observation-scale domain element of interest).
: Whether to disable tooltips. Default: false
Extends mixin
: The x-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The color-scale variable key. Takes precedence over pointColor prop.
: Whether or not to fill points. Default: false
: Default color for points. Default: "#4682B4"
: Default size for points. Default: 3
: Whether or not to log-scale the y axis. Default: false
: Whether or not to log-scale the x axis. Default: false
Extends mixin
: The x-scale variable key.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The color-scale variable key.
: The value for the horizontal margin between bars. Default: 2
: Set to false to ignore the filtered domain of the x scale. Default: true
: Set to false to ignore the filtered domain of the y scale. Default: true
Extends mixin
: The key to access the values in the data array objects.
: The key for the data containing the variable to stratify by.
: The key for the scale to stratify by. Must be categorical.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The observation-scale variable key. Required in order to match with the stratification data.
: The diameter of outlier (and mean) points. Default: 6
: Whether or not to draw outlier points on the plot. Default: true
variable="COSMIC 1"
Extends mixin
: The survival "days to death" variable key. Default: "days_to_death"
: The survival "days to last followup" variable key. Default: "days_to_last_followup"
: The key for the data containing the variable to stratify by.
: The key for the variable to stratify by in the s dataset.
: The color-scale (line-scale) variable key. Should contain the categories of the stratified variable. Must be categorical.
: The x-scale variable key. Should represent survival time. Must be continuous.
: The y-scale variable key. Should represent survival percentage. Must be continuous.
: The observation-scale variable key. Required in order to match the survival data with the stratification data.
: The line width. Default: 2
: The tick height. Default: 8
Extends mixin
: The key to access the values in the data array objects.
: The key for the data containing the variable to stratify by.
: The x-scale variable key. Must be continuous.
: The y-scale variable key. Must be continuous.
: The observation-scale variable key. Required in order to match with the stratification data.
: Whether or not to fill points. Default: false
: Default size for points. Default: 3
: Color for point outlines. Optional. Will override the x color scale if provided.
variable="COSMIC 1"
Extends mixin
: The key to access the values in the data array objects.
: The key for the data containing the variable to stratify by.
: The key for the scale to stratify by. Must be categorical.
: The y-scale variable key.
: The observation-scale variable key. Required in order to match with the stratification data.
: The diameter of points. Default: 3
: A random seed. Optional.
: Whether to fill points. Default: true
: Color for point outlines. Optional. Will override the x color scale if provided.
variable="COSMIC 1"
Extends mixin
: The x-scale variable key.
: The color-scale variable key.
: The value for the horizontal margin between bars. Default: 2
: The axis variable key.
: The side for the scale.
: An angle used to rotate axis tick text.
: The plot width.
: The plot height.
: The plot top margin.
: The plot left margin.
: The plot right margin.
: The plot bottom margin.
: Function that takes a scale key string and returns a scale instance.
: Function that returns a HistoryStack instance.
: Whether to disable brushing functionality and hide the zoomed-out "context" view. Default: false
: Whether to have log scaled variable. Default: false
: Whether to have time scaled variable. Default: false
: Whether to show the label. Default: true
: The maximum number of characters, where the rest will be trimmed. Optional.
: The key for the genome scale instance, passed to getScale.
: The side for the scale.
: The plot width.
: The plot height.
: The plot top margin.
: The plot left margin.
: The plot right margin.
: The plot bottom margin.
: Function that takes a scale key string and returns a scale instance.
: Function that returns a HistoryStack instance.
: The axis variable key.
: The hierarchy data container key (passed to getData).
: The side for the scale.
: The plot width.
: The plot height.
: The plot top margin.
: The plot left margin.
: The plot right margin.
: The plot bottom margin.
: Function that takes a scale key string and returns a scale instance.
: Function that returns a HistoryStack instance.
: Function that takes a data key string and returns a DataContainer instance.
This component is a container for axis and plot components, which passes its props to its children and imposes styles.
: The plot width.
: The plot height.
: The plot top margin.
: The plot left margin.
: The plot right margin.
: The plot bottom margin.
: Show a download button (in top left corner). Optional. Default: false.
: x-offset of the download button. Optional. Only makes sense to use if showDownloadButton is true.
: y-offset of the download button. Optional. Only makes sense to use if showDownloadButton is true.
: size of the download button. Optional. Default: 16. Only makes sense to use if showDownloadButton is true.
: color of the download button. Optional. Default: "#C0C0C0". Only makes sense to use if showDownloadButton is true.
slot="axisLeft" <!-- note the slot prop -->
<!-- note the axis props that are omitted because they are being inherited -->
slot="plot" <!-- note the slot prop -->
<!-- note the plot props that are omitted because they are being inherited -->
slot="axisBottom" <!-- note the slot prop -->
<!-- note the axis props that are omitted because they are being inherited -->
: The legend variable key.
: The legend style.
: The legend width.
: The height of each legend item.
: Function that takes a scale key string and returns a scale instance.
: Function that returns a HistoryStack instance.
: Function that is called when clicking on legend element names. Optional.
: The legend variable key.
: The legend width.
: Function that takes a scale key string and returns a scale instance.
: Function that returns a HistoryStack instance.
: Whether to disable brushing functionality and hide the zoomed-out "context" view. Default: false
: The legend variable key.
Accepts any props that CategoricalLegend or ContinuousLegend accept and passes them on.
This component helps make simple sorting controls. To sort by an individual variable use optionName and optionVariable props. To give provide sort-by options in terms of a scale's domain use optionScale prop instead.
: The key of the scale to be sorted.
: The key of the data that will be used to do the sorting.
: A categorical scale of variables to sort by. Ignored if using optionVar and optionName props instead.
: A variable to sort by. Ignored if using optionScale instead.
: The human-readable name of the variable to sort by. Ignored if using optionScale instead.
: The key of the scale whose comparator is to be used to do the sorting.
: The scale getter function.
: The stack getter function.
: The data getter function.
Represents a container of a data array.
The ID for the data.
The name for the data.
The data to hold, or a promise that will return the data.
An object on which to subscribe to data.
Represents a single event in the application's history. Given an event type, ID, action, and parameters, the event will be able to be executed in the following way:
will be invoked on the returned object, using the array of params as parameters(number)
Event type, such as SCALE, etc...
Event subtype, such as SCALE_DOMAIN, etc...
Event identifier, used for history
Method to call on the object.
Parameters with which to call the method.
Another history event.
Whether the other history event is related to this.
Represents a history of all application interaction events, which can be used for forward(redo)/backward(undo) navigation.
Mapping from event type (int) -> getter function (function).
Mapping from event subtype (int) -> reset function name (string).
Push an event onto the stack.
The event to push.
Pop an event from the top of the stack.
The last event.
Prune the stack, removing any events "above" the current pointer
Find the most recent "related" event. Dips into the "initial" events if needed.
The event to reference.
A "related", but previous event.
Goes back by executing the most recent "related" event, in relation to the currently-pointed-to event. Decrements the stack pointer.
Goes forward by executing the next event. Increments the stack pointer.
Decrements the stack pointer, or sets to undefined.
Increments the stack pointer, or sets to zero.
Execute a provided event.
Scale parent class to handle dispatching for highlights, updates.
Emit the highlight event.
Emit the highlight destroy event.
Emit the update event.
Abstract class representing a scale.
Extends AbstractScaleDispatcher
The ID for the scale.
The name for the scale.
The domain for the scale.
The key of the color scale to be used.
An object on which to subscribe to data.
The values that variables using this scale can take after filtering.
Converts a domain value to a color
A domain value
A color value
Convert a domain value to a human-readable value.
A domain value
The corresponding humanDomain value
Resets the color scale.
Resets the filtered domain, using the full domain.
Scale class for binary variables.
Extends CategoricalScale
The ID for the scale.
The name for the scale.
An object on which to subscribe to data.
Scale class for categorical variables.
Extends AbstractScale
The ID for the scale.
The name for the scale.
The domain for the scale, or a promise.
The humanDomain for the scale, or a promise. Optional.
The default colorOverrides for the scale. Optional.
An object on which to subscribe to data.
Human-readable domain values
The human-readable domain values
Mapping from domain value to colors for overridden values.
= true
Sort the domain based on the data passed.
Resets the color override object.
Resets the color override object.
Scale class for continuous variables.
Extends AbstractScale
Scale class for a genome variable. Note: this does NOT inherit from AbstractScale.
Extends AbstractScaleDispatcher
The ID for the scale.
The name for the scale.
Resets the filtered domain, using the full original domain.
Represents an object on which an external consumer may await data from a particular source.
Schema for emitted data payloads:
"data": {
Generate seeded random numbers, e.g. for jitter plot
The seed.
The random number generator function.
Enum of the base event types.
Enum of the base event subtypes.
Enum of the base event subtype resets.
Returns an object that represents a "computed" history event parameter.
Key of function to be called (match to getterFunctionMapping passed to HistoryStack).
Params passed to the function to be called.
Returns an object with an identifier signifying that this parameter should be computed.